Monthly Archives: July 2013

Gallery #1

Just a smattering of my photos. Most are within the past year. Although Virgil is from my second visit to Kaua’i in 2003.

I was snorkeling and the current blew me toward this huge (everything is huge underwater) sea turtle. I didn’t hit it, but I came awfully close! This was taken with a cheap underwater instamatic film camera.



I love taking pictures of things really close up. I don’t have a zoom lens (yet!), but I’m really happy with these three.

Glass Ornaments at the North Market Holiday Craft Show - 2012

Glass Ornaments at the North Market Holiday Craft Show – 2012

Ketchup Bottles

Newport, RI – 2012

Coca-Cola Mugs - Ohio State Fair 2013

Coca-Cola Mugs – Ohio State Fair 2013

Here are two more from the Ohio State Fair. Good thing there was a cage between me and the rooster. They get belligerent.

Type Case - 2013

Type Case – 2013

Glowering Rooster - 2013

Glowering Rooster – 2013

The Long Run

Batiks are my favorite fabrics. I love to see them paired with a super traditional pattern. I’ve been sewing since I was 10 years old and quilting since I was about 31. One of the first books on quilting that I bought focused on the Jacob’s Ladder pattern. I didn’t really like the book all that well. It’s hard to get excited from a bunch of black and white drawings. But I liked all the different ways the standard Jacob’s Ladder block could be arranged.

Two years ago, my sister Bekkie married her long-time boyfriend Joe. At that point I thought, here is the perfect time to make that pattern I’ve been wanting to make for the last 20+ years.


Sections Ready to be Sewn into Squares

I sorted my batiks into lights and darks. In one case, I had a fabric I used as both. I was planning a queen size quilt, so I drew up my pattern on graph paper and figured out how many of each section I needed to make. I cut strips for the 4 square sections and triangles for the half square sections. Weeks of sewing ensued. (Since I have a full time job and a soap business on the side, it takes me a while to do something this large.)


Sorting into Squares


The Design Wall & Table


The Design Wall

My goal with each color choice was not to duplicate the same fabric in any single square.About a week was spent on the layout. I ran out of room on my design wall, so I worked on the table as well, eventually sewing sections together as I went so didn’t lose track of what went where.

In some places the edges seemed to blur, and in others, it was very defined. Just what I was hoping for. But, as I usually end up doing, I had too many final squares in the end. It’s like those things that mysteriously multiply in your closet. You can’t figure where they came from, but you look at it as a bonus! So I made 2 matching 16″ pillows (12″ squares with 2″ borders added.)

It was done in time for a first anniversary/Christmas present.

DSCN3468 2

Front and 16″ pillows




Lemony Potato Salad

These days my husband and I are trying to watch what we eat. Some of us more than others. By which I mean that I am really bad about staying away from stuff I like. Like massive quantities of cheese and mayonnaise. But, in the interest of keeping the both of us around on Earth longer, I went looking for a potato salad recipe that didn’t have any mayo in it. And TA DA! I found this on

Ordinarily, I leave recipes alone until I’ve made them once. However, this one looked like it needed a little extra crunch. So I added red bell pepper and radish slices. And some fresh dill I have running rampant in my garden. Maybe next time I’ll add a bit of celery too. Potato Salad

Yield: Makes 6 servings, Total: 50 Minutes


2 pounds red potatoes, cut into eighths
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
3 green onions, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley


1. Bring potatoes and salted cold water to cover to a boil in a large Dutch oven; boil 15 to 17 minutes or just until tender. Drain and let cool 5 minutes.

2. Whisk together olive oil and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl. Add warm potatoes, green onions, and parsley; toss to coat. Serve at room temperature or chilled.

Nutritional Information

Amount per serving

Calories: 196 Fat: 9.7g Saturated fat: 1.4g Monounsaturated fat: 7.2g Polyunsaturated fat: 0.9g Protein: 3.1g Carbohydrate: 25.4g Fiber: 2.9g Cholesterol: 0.0mg Iron: 1.3mg Sodium: 302mg Calcium: 24mg


Quilt Sampler


I love making quilts for with funky colors and traditional patterns. Marrakesh is a Snowball pattern with batiks – my favorites! – and Lightship is a Storm At Sea around a Mariner’s Compass.

Raymond’s Quilt is an original design inspired by a trip to New York City. I loved all the grid work on the buildings there. Raymond lives in Manhattan, so this was the perfect choice for him.

Okeefenokee Swamp was an exercise in using only fabrics that were primarily green or blue.

Appleanna Bread

I found this recipe over 25 years ago in a book about Thanksgiving traditions. It’s become a staple in our family ever since. And when you’ve been apple picking, it’s a great way to cook up some fresh off the tree fruit. It freezes really well too. I usually make half a dozen 1/4 size loaves and save them for later!
1/2 cup shortening
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp salt
2 very ripe bananas, peeled and smashed
2 cups apples. peeled and chopped (about 1/2″ dice)
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour 9″ loaf pan. Cream together shortening and sugar until light. Add eggs. Sift together dry ingredients. Beat together with shortening mixture. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan and bake 1-1 1/2 hours or until knife inserted into the middle comes out clean. If using 4 one quarter size loaf size pans, bake approx. 45 minutes.