Category Archives: Photographs

Mansfield, OH

On May 11, D and I went to Mansfield to see the Ohio Reformatory, location for several films, the most well known of which is The Shawshank Redemption. Empty for the last 25 years, the state of decay the place is in now is fascinating. And beautiful in a textural sort of way.

Transom in an office window

Transom in an office window

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Seattle 2013

I’m back from my travels over the holidays. Get ready for Arty pictures of the Pacific Northwest. We gave ourselves a do-it-most zoom lens for Christmas, and we had some serious fun using it! I didn’t take all of them. D— took some so credit is given on those pictures.

The driftwood is all on the beach in a lovely little park in Mukilteo. If you haven’t grasped it by now, I’m a texture girl.  Continue reading…

Gallery #5 – Textures

This week has been a study in colors and shapes. I went back to the farmers market but also to our conservatory. There’s a very cool light sculpture exhibit that I have yet to see. Future pictures to come on that. In the meantime, here’s a close up of one of them that I took from my soap booth at a craft fair that was held there.

Gallery #1

Just a smattering of my photos. Most are within the past year. Although Virgil is from my second visit to Kaua’i in 2003.

I was snorkeling and the current blew me toward this huge (everything is huge underwater) sea turtle. I didn’t hit it, but I came awfully close! This was taken with a cheap underwater instamatic film camera.



I love taking pictures of things really close up. I don’t have a zoom lens (yet!), but I’m really happy with these three.

Glass Ornaments at the North Market Holiday Craft Show - 2012

Glass Ornaments at the North Market Holiday Craft Show – 2012

Ketchup Bottles

Newport, RI – 2012

Coca-Cola Mugs - Ohio State Fair 2013

Coca-Cola Mugs – Ohio State Fair 2013

Here are two more from the Ohio State Fair. Good thing there was a cage between me and the rooster. They get belligerent.

Type Case - 2013

Type Case – 2013

Glowering Rooster - 2013

Glowering Rooster – 2013