Tag Archives: crafting

Not Cooking or Decorating…

Okay. You got me. When I’m not cooking, decorating, sewing, or whatever else I’ve been showing you here on these pages for the last couple of years, I make soap. A lot of it. Especially at the beginning of the year. The rest of the year I sell it.

At the Honeyfest, September 2014.

At the Honeyfest, September 2014. See D’s cool pumpkin?

Because if I didn’t, we’d have enough to last us well into retirement. And I like making soap. It feels good. It smells good. And I can play with color on a consumable. Quilts are great and all, but they don’t get used up. Unless you leave them out on the bright sunlight, wash them with rocks, or give them to a dog. Even small babies can’t really do any damage to them. No teeth.

Recently, I had a friend tell me that I was doing myself and you a disservice by not sharing all my soap stuff on these pages. So here you are. Continue reading…