Okay. You got me. When I’m not cooking, decorating, sewing, or whatever else I’ve been showing you here on these pages for the last couple of years, I make soap. A lot of it. Especially at the beginning of the year. The rest of the year I sell it.

At the Honeyfest, September 2014. See D’s cool pumpkin?
Because if I didn’t, we’d have enough to last us well into retirement. And I like making soap. It feels good. It smells good. And I can play with color on a consumable. Quilts are great and all, but they don’t get used up. Unless you leave them out on the bright sunlight, wash them with rocks, or give them to a dog. Even small babies can’t really do any damage to them. No teeth.
Recently, I had a friend tell me that I was doing myself and you a disservice by not sharing all my soap stuff on these pages. So here you are. Continue reading…