I guess it’s been more than a few months for me to get to the painting. We didn’t have any company coming so there was no real rush. I was just twitchy. But first M— came home for a few months, so I couldn’t use her room as a holding cell for all the furniture. Then I got sidetracked by her t-shirt quilt – and the Trip Around the World quilt – details to come on that one. But now I have a push for it. Besides the fact that I cannot stand an unfinished project, D—’s brother, sister-in-law, and mother are coming for a short stay in a few months. So I took a three day weekend and tore the room apart.
- partially dismantled closet
- totally dismantled closet
- the hatch to the attic
And when I say tore, I mean down to the plywood. I took off the closet doors and threw them out. That is the one thing that may not get replaced before the family visit. And I took out the closet pole and shelf. I have this wonderful system from Closet Maid that I am fairly itching to put up. In the meantime, I had to put the clothes somewhere. I couldn’t begin to get near the closet in M—’s old room. Too much stuff in the way. So I found the next best permanent pole.

well, they had to hang somewhere!
The bathroom in the upstairs hall is now a closet. At least temporarily. I put in a permanent rod – as opposed to one held in place by pressure – a few years ago, so I know this isn’t going anywhere. I did shut the door on the room though. It’s just a bit odd looking in and seeing my great aunt’s fake fur coat hanging in a shower.

The waffley padding
Next to go was the rust orange carpet. It was stained and torn already, so it was no great loss. It had the world’s cheapest padding under it. In fact, I don’t know that I’ve ever run across one that was rubbery and waffley. Yuck-o. It’s no wonder it was uncomfortable to walk on.
- with tack strip still down
- all clean now
I spackled the heck out of the closet and went on to other things. Next is sanding and then any spackle touch up. I need to buy some molding to put around the window soon. There’s nothing I like less than the unfinished development home window look. Blech. So as I do each room, I put a frame around the window. All the ones on the first floor match. That will not be the case with the upstairs, I don’t think. I won’t go for anything fancy though. You wouldn’t really be able to see it behind those fabulous curtains I made anyway.
The woodwork is all going to be painted white. That’ll be first so I don’t have to tape off anything or be particularly careful. that’s one of the nice things about not having a floor to protect. Likewise the inside of the closet and the new hatch door. I also bought a handle so it’ll be easier to manuever when someone (that means the electrician) needs to get up there.
I should be painting by next weekend. No overhead light in there, so it’s a bit tough to do at night during the week.