Today was grouting and a few odds and ends. Since I can’t stop to take pictures as I’m doing the work, and D— wasn’t home to do it for me, I only have After pictures to show you.

When the grout was wet

14 hours later. Mostly dry
I took the second picture without the flash, so the color balance is off, but you get the idea.
Other projects done today included: picking up the mirror that I had cut down and installing it in the frame. Putting the door back on the medicine cabinet, and bringing the room door in from the garage and putting the hinges back on. Both doors had to be painted, but you’ll get to see those pictures later.
I found a small cabinet at a garage sale and have been fixing that up as well. Since I took out a full cabinet sink and am replacing it with a pedestal, I needed somewhere to put sundries. That’s a polite way of saying the toilet paper. The cabinet was a total bargain at $9.
At this point, I had already taken off the flat hinges this piece came with as well as the little silver oval knob. The hinges had been painted over and the knob was nothing special and not my style at all. I got a new knob at Anthropologie for $8 and new old hinges at an architectural salvage store for $4 each. So in the end, this cost me $25.
I had to install a second shelf as well, because the lower shelf was missing. But I had some pieces left over from the closet system I put in the guest room and little shelf pegs left from the bookcase unit we had built when we first moved in. (Yes folks! There are some projects that I hire out.)

Shelves aren’t the same thickness, but I don’t think anyone will notice
On to the bead board panelling while the grout continues to dry!