Category Archives: Home Decor

The Half Bath – Days 2 & 3

There wasn’t much point in showing you all Day 2 all by itself, because the only thing I did was to patch holes and rip out the subflooring. And while that was intense, it doesn’t look that much different from the floor you’ve already seen.

But I got anxious to see what the tile would look like, so I laid it all down to test the spacing.

rough tile layout

rough tile layout

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The Half Bath – Day 1

Hot on the heels of finishing (more or less) the guest room, I am launching into the downstairs bath. This is probably the one that gets used most often, but it is also the one that still has a regular – as in “uses a ridiculous amount of water and still doesn’t always do the job” – toilet.

This is my annual Memorial Day week remodel. I’m making up for lost time, because last year there was no project. Instead, M— graduated from college, so we used our vacation for that. SO worth it! But now I’m super twitchy to get this thing done. It’s the last room on the main floor for the Grand Treatment. Continue reading…

The Guest Room – Part 5

Let’s recap. We bought our house in 2006. It was built in 1978. Prior to our taking ownership, I don’t think very much had been changed. I did discover a second layer of vinyl flooring when I did the entry. And we suspect the windows were replaced at some point, although they could stand it again. But other than that, probably not much.

It has taken me until this year to finally get to the guest room. The very first room we did was M’s bedroom. She was in her Junior year of high school, and we knew she wouldn’t be living with us much longer, so we wanted to make sure she was comfortable for the time she was here.

So back to the guest room…it had burnt orange carpet with bleach stains. It had the same delightful brown “woodwork” – and I use that term loosely – as the hallway, and it had cream walls. Now, while there is nothing wrong with cream walls if they have a striking baseboard and window frame to spice them up, this certainly didn’t. Here are a few pictures to remind you what it started out looking like. Continue reading…

The Guest Room – part 4

We’re in the home stretch. When I left off, the room was stripped down to the bones, but there was no color yet. Now there is color.

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The Guest Room – part 3

I guess it’s been more than a few months for me to get to the painting. We didn’t have any company coming so there was no real rush. I was just twitchy. But first M— came home for a few months, so I couldn’t use her room as a holding cell for all the furniture. Then I got sidetracked by her t-shirt quilt – and the Trip Around the World quilt – details to come on that one. But now I have a push for it. Besides the fact that I cannot stand an unfinished project, D—’s brother, sister-in-law, and mother are coming for a short stay in a few months. So I took a three day weekend and tore the room apart.

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