Author Archives: Deborah

Pumpkin Ginger Muffins

Sometimes you just have to add something new to the Thanksgiving repast. This is from the Nantucket Open-House Cookbook by Sarah Leah Chase. I took them to a family gathering many years ago so that we would have something to nibble while the cook was prepping lunch, which we would all nibble while we were all helping prep dinner. They were such a hit that I have continued to make them regardless of which delegation of family members were are with. I even mailed them to my step-daughter when she couldn’t come home for Thanksgiving. They are easy to make ahead and freeze extremely well.IMG_1081

The only change I have ever made to this recipe is to leave out the crystalized ginger. I’m sure it would be totally tasty with it, but I like the smooth texture of muffins without the extra stuff. I also tend to make minis instead of full sized muffins. It’s easier to deceive yourself into thinking that you’ve eaten less this way. One or two bites, and you’re done. I also use baking spray instead of paper cups. I don’t want to lose a morsel of this tender goodness! Continue reading…

It’s Chili Time!

Now that the cold weather is here, it’s time to make more serious use of all the dutch ovens in the house. Soups and stews. Yessir! I have a chili recipe that I probably got off the label of a can of kidney beans. I’ve had it for over 35 years though, so I really can’t remember.

1 large onion, choppedIMG_0976
1 green pepper, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 pound ground beef
1 large can tomatoes (I like mine diced)
1 8-oz. can seasoned tomato sauce
1-2 tbsps. chili powder
3 whole cloves
1 bay leaf
1-1/2 tsp. salt
2 15 oz. cans red kidney beans, drained

Continue reading…

The Guest Room – part 2

Ta Da! The curtains are done. The rod gave me fits though. After I finished the curtains, I hung them on the rod and, while arranging the folds, gave it a bit too much of a tug. And pulled one entire support out of the wall. Four days later, after much spackle and sanding, I put it up again. But since I was impatient to show it to you, I put it in the same place I’d just patched. Brilliant. So it stayed up long enough to post the pictures but that’s about it. I’m going to move the brackets out an inch, but I promise not to bore you with those details. In the meantime, here’s how I got the curtains done… Continue reading…

The Guest Room – part 1

This project is in tandem with, well is the larger part of, the Yellow & Gray Quilt. We have lived in our home for coming up on 8 years now. Our poor guests have had to sleep in the most uninspiring room. It hasn’t stopped them from visiting us, but I expect it has them wanting to be in any other part of the house rather than hiding out in the guest room.

Just imagine how much lovelier this room looked when it had the wood duck border around the whole ceiling line. Continue reading…

Gallery #5 – Textures

This week has been a study in colors and shapes. I went back to the farmers market but also to our conservatory. There’s a very cool light sculpture exhibit that I have yet to see. Future pictures to come on that. In the meantime, here’s a close up of one of them that I took from my soap booth at a craft fair that was held there.